The way I like to view team performance is that irrespective of what team or competition it is, every season is like a new jigsaw. The pieces are the players, backroom team, the physical preparation, the systems, the tactics, and the environment they operate in. How we piece that jigsaw together is heavily influenced by our biases, experiences, or perspective.

“Widen the lens to add greater value”

People have different roles, experiences, abilities, tactics, together with different opponents and rules. The challenge for everyone involved is to ensure those jigsaw pieces fit together. What is successful with one team will not necessarily work with another.

The purpose of any club, manager, coach or trainer is to help the athlete and team, perform at a high level on a consistent basis. Include the ‘Jigsaw Approach’ as part of your preparations for 2025. 

There is individual and multiple packages available, which are designed to help take your preparation and the teams performance to the next level. A service is provided to inter-county level, club teams, and individual coaches who may request advice, direction, and support regarding a particular area of their development & performance program.

We spend so much time focused on developing the players but as a manager or organization you must ask are we developing the coaches enough? These are the people who have the biggest impact on performance. Every coach should have a mentor.

Better preparation = better players = better potential performance

There is always something you can get better at and like all players we should strive for continuous improvement.  This is related to all areas of preparation and performance, which is unique to your own particular needs. It is about achieving a greater understanding of the how & why we do things rather than just copying a series of drills or games.

Learning is a life long journey and I am still learning every day and always seeking better ways of doing things.  Helping people and teams improve though is my passion and my 360 View ensures the support I provide can make a difference.  I am the Coach, the Player, the Student, the dreamer! Let me support you and your team on your journey.

This is open to people of all levels, from the ex –player trying to figure out the preparation process, to the developing coach with a massive desire to improve their ability, to the experienced inter-county coach who knows a different opinion, feedback or review will only improve preparations for 2025.

This support is also available for clubs who for example may have an inexperienced coach taking charge of the Adult team for the coming season or a club philosophy is on developing coaches as part of a cohesive plan from juvenile to adult level. Create a season-support structure, which will ultimately benefit the players both short and long term.

It is an opportunity to get feedback on why you think a certain way while also an opportunity to ask certain questions. Sometimes the problem or solution has yet to be identified but ultimately it is about improving the your ability to make better decisions. It can be valuable knowing you can have that conversation and move forward.


There has never been more material / ideas to choose from when planning your training sessions. This can be a bit daunting and at times we can have great looking sessions but with low impact. Let’s work together with the goal of improvement for the coming year. Complete Enquiry Form including some details of your experience, team involved with this year and potential areas of focus or improvement.

Paudie Kissane: Athlete Development & Performance

Interested in learning more, contact me.



I have engaged with Paudie in relation to a number of underage teams, specific players and squads from club to development squad level in recent times. His advice have been exceptional additions, a highlight, to many of my teams seasons and to myself as a coach bringing an injection of freshness, unparalleled experience and attention to detail.

Through initial phone calls and during his time working with the teams and individuals he would always discuss, explain and challenge the philosophy, principles and ideas surrounding the targets of the sessions. It always meant that his contribution had a more long lasting positive effect on my coaching and the team’s and athletes performance. Paudie is an extremely impressive communicator, meaning solutions to aspects of athlete development and the sport performance and their importance are clear, simple and concise.

Players have always come away with an increased awareness with regards to their performance and roles with greater confidence and enthusiasm. I would highly recommend Paudie in any aspect of coaching and guidance for any athlete, team or coach who want to be better, who want to succeed and meet the greatest potential they can.

Daniel Cronin, Club & Academy Inter-county Coach, St Mary’s & Cork GAA

Paudie’s preparation, level of thought, and overall attention to detail is always exceptional.
What sets him apart, however, is that he has the knowledge and experience to back up that preparation, and the ability to implement it.

His coaching is always game-specific and worthwhile. He can bring players to a totally new standard.

Gary Breenan, Former Player & Captain of Clare Senior Football Team


Let’s work together with the goal of improvement for the coming year

Contact Me

Paudie @ 087 760 0658